Paul Sadler Consultancy

Leader in Aged Care.

News from Paul.

Paul Sadler will be working as CEO of the national peak body Aged & Community Services Australia from early September 2021. Paul Sadler Consultancy will also be assisting the Australian Health Services Research Institute, University of Wollongong with a project on palliative care in residential aged care. As a consequence, PSC is unable to take on new clients for the foreseeable future. Check this website for blogs and links to industry developments from these two roles.

About Paul

Paul Sadler is an experienced leader and influencer who brings an extensive range of experience from more than 35 years in the aged care sector. Paul has been CEO of a major aged care provider, leader of a not-for-profit peak organisation, and influencer of ageing policy, disability and community care programs for both national and state governments.



Get in Touch.

Mobile: 0418 208 232 | Email:

ABN: 82 449 969 692