Paul Sadler has been at the forefront of policy development and advocacy around aged care issues in Australia.

Policy Development and Advocacy

Visiting UK Prime Minister’s policy advisor at No.10 Downing Street, London in 2005

Visiting UK Prime Minister’s policy advisor at No.10 Downing Street, London in 2005


In Government, this included leading the introduction of reforms to the Home & Community Care Program such as output-based funding, competitive grants funding rounds and improved assessment processes. Trials of new community care models were conducted through demonstration projects. Interagency elder abuse protocols were introduced, supported by statewide training.

In Peak Bodies, this included leading ACSA’s support for aged and community services in NSW/ACT with keynotes such as the repeal of the NSW Nursing Homes Act, state/territory and federal election campaigns, and Retirement Villages Act reforms. Nationally, community care reform advocacy was a primary focus, including spells as Chair of the Home Support and Home Care Advisory Committees for the National Aged Care Alliance. As ACSA President, opposing cuts to ACFI funding and leading federal election campaigns were highlights.

As a Provider, this included adapting organisational policies and procedures to respond to multiple reform agendas such as Living Longer Living Better from 2013-2017, Home Care Package Reforms in 2017, and new Aged Care Quality Standards in 2019.

As a Consultant, assisting providers to prepare for and implement changes resulting from the Aged Care Act (2024) and the Support at Home Program.

With this background, Paul Sadler Consultancy can help your organisation with:

  • Writing and revising organisational policies and procedures

  • Responding to aged care or other reform agendas

  • Preparing and implementing effective advocacy campaigns.