Paul Sadler Consultancy

Leader in Aged Care

About Paul


Paul Sadler is an experienced leader and influencer who brings an extensive range of experience from more than 38 years in the aged care sector. Paul has been a national and state CEO of aged care industry associations, CEO of a major aged care provider, and influencer of ageing policy, disability and community care programs for both national and state governments.


What Paul can do for you

  • Strategic Planning

  • Policy Development and Advocacy

  • Governance and Leadership

  • Business Analysis

  • Facilitation

  • Service Development including grant submissions, mergers and acquisitions

  • Review and advice in areas of practice including home care, elder abuse, retirement living and residential care


The story so far…

Paul Sadler has operated his aged care consultancy business since 2021. In November 2023 he joined Roland Naufal to launch Invox, a new voice for the Support at Home sector.

Paul was CEO of Aged & Community Services Australia (ACSA) from September 2021 to October 2022. He led the team that supported creation of Aged & Community Care Providers Association - a single industry voice for the aged care sector. From June to October 2022, Paul was Interim CEO of ACCPA. During his year as leader of the aged care industry, Paul was media spokesperson during the global COVID-19 pandemic and the 2022 federal election campaign.

Paul was CEO Presbyterian Aged Care (PAC) NSW & ACT for 14 years until March 2021.  He led a team which revamped PAC to be more person-centred with a 22-fold increase in home care consumers and trebling of retirement living units.  Accomplishments included the upgrading of PAC’s residential care services, managing a quarter of a billion dollars of new and redeveloped building projects, more than doubling organisational revenue, completing four acquisitions, strengthening internal systems and boosting PAC’s profile in the industry.

 Paul is well connected and influential throughout the aged care industry.  He is Chair Meals on Wheels Australia, Chair Meaningful Ageing Australia, Member NSW Ministerial Advisory Council on Ageing and a past ACSA National Chairperson. He has also been a member of other advisory bodies for the Federal Government in areas such as quality and safety, home support and home care reforms, and for the NSW Government in areas such as retirement villages and elder abuse.

 Paul has academic qualifications in social work, government and public administration and biblical studies. He is a Fellow of the Australian Association of Gerontology. 

Australian Ageing Agenda

Paul Sadler Consultancy co-hosted Invox’s National CHSP Conference in December 2024… Read More


Get in Touch.

Mobile: 0418 208 232 | Email:

ABN: 82 449 969 692